Biodiversité, écologie et évolution - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master Biodiversité, écologie et évolution Parcours ECONOMICS & ECOLOGY

Objectifs, programme, validation de la formation


Aims and ScopeThis pluri-disciplinary Master will provide students with a unique opportunity to study advanced methods in economics and in ecology that will allow them to analyze a variety of environmental questions with an integrated approach. nThe M2 Economics amp Ecology program combines a solid training in ecological theory with theoretical and empirical economics to give students a unique expertise in the analysis of the effects of human activities on biodiversity and ecosystems and of how these may be mitigated by economic policy. nAll the courses are taught in English by faculty members with an established reputation in their respective areas the economics courses by faculty at Toulouse School of Economics TSE and the ecology courses by faculty at Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station in Moulis SETE and at the évolution amp Diversité Biologique laboratory EDB at Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier. n nThe academic training is followed by an internship or a Master s thesis. Upon completing the courses each student will either do an internship that should last between five and six months and be finalized by a report or write a master s thesis under the supervision of one of the faculty at TSE SETE or EDB. The program ends with a one-day workshop to which professionals in the area are invited. Furthermore the students of the M2 E amp E are welcome to attend conferences organized by TSE SETE and EDB. nThe unique set of skills acquired in this Master will put the students in an excellent position to work in any public or private organization that seeks to evaluate both the ecological and the economic consequences of human activities on biodiversity and ecosystems. Examples of such organizations include large companies governmental bodies both at the national and at the local level NGOs supranational organizations and research institutions after obtaining a PhD degree. n n Strength of the program TSE boasts an internationally renowned research group in the field of natural resource and environmental economics. SETE and EDB are both homes to several world renowned researchers in the fields of ecology and biodiversity nThe Master is designed with an aim to foster teamwork between economists and ecologists.Part of the courses take place at SETE located in the French Pyrenees. This allows the students to experience first-hand the setting in which large-scale ecological experiments are being conducted.Transportation and accommodation costs will be covered for the weeks spent in the Pyrenees. nThe program benefits from TSE affiliated research centers strong ties with a network of large French and foreign firms EDF France Télécom La Poste LECG Deutsch Bahn Microsoft etc. that provides students with a valuable window of job opportunities. n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- n Admis

Description, programmation

n nSyllabus du M1 BEE-Ecologie n nSyllabus du M2 BEE-Eco2 n

Validation et sanction

Master (LMD)

Type de formation


Niveau de sortie niveau I (supérieur à la maîtrise)

Métiers visés

A1303 :

H1206 :

K1404 :

K2402 :

M1808 :

Durée, rythme, financement

Durée 1900 heures en centre, 700 heures en entreprise

Modalités de l'alternance -

Conventionnement Non

Conditions d'accès

Niveau d'entrée niveau II (licence ou maîtrise universitaire)

Conditions spécifiques et prérequis -

Éligibilité de cette formation au compte personnel de formation pour les salariés

Code CPF 327915 - Validité du 16/11/2019 au 31/12/2115

Périodes prévisibles de déroulement des sessions

Session débutant le : 31/08/2020

Adresse d'inscription
118 route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse

Lieu de formation

Organisme de formation responsable